Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

The Newsletter Returns As The Trivia Tournament Approaches

Friday, February 17th, 2012
Long time, no newsletter! I haven’t forgotten about you, my sign-up-ees, but I do admit I’ve been relying on the magical Facebook (and my website, of course) to communicate over the internets. Although we can totally be FB friends (via either my Triviology page or on my personal page), I’m coming back home to good old fashioned mass E-mailing in 2012. I hope you stick with me.
We’ve had an action packed year here at ShanRock’s Triviology, and rather than trying to tell you all of the wonderful things that happened in the past 12 months, I invite you to browse my website. Get caught up on recent podcasts & other press mentions (such as the article currently in the Portland Tribune which actually tells my vibrator trivia anecdote!), our recent and upcoming lunar quizzes (next up is Oscar Trivia Night & Viewing Party!), our current venues (including one in Hood River!), our stellar team of TJs (including a former Toddlers & Tiaras contestant!), new lingo in the glossary (what the hell is a “night move“?!?), and fun events involving Legos, stand-up comedy, writing trivia questions for Mayor Sam Adams (at the Got Game? fundraiser) & other such nonsense.
On to the big matters at hand . . . this Sunday is the annual Clash of the Trivia Titans tournament, and I want YOU to play! There will be some stiff competition for that huge champion trophy . . .
As usual, the fun will go down (tee hee!) at The Spare Room, and everyone is welcome to participate. It costs $6 per person (5 person max per team, of course), and everyone gets to choose a prize just for showing up. Here’s the day’s schedule:
*Sign in, grab a table, order some drinks, size up the competition.
*Everyone is welcome to play this quiz! However, “Titan” teams can only play for fun in The Open, and will NOT be eligible to win stuff. Several Olympian teams will win prizes and trophies in this competition, but only the champion team becomes the “wild card seed” that goes on to compete in the Titan Invitational after the Half Time Show!
*Trophies for Best Bartender, Favorite Venue, Best Shit-Talkers, Favorite Foes, Underdog Award, etc. These categories will be decided by YOU (vote by taking this wee survey by noon on Sunday)! In the interest of full disclosure – I will cast a heavily weighted vote for the Underdog Award. This trophy goes to the tenacious team that plays and plays and plays, but never seems to win. Since I am in a unique position to know who is truly most deserving of this award, I will make the final call.

*YOU will have a chance to be the star during this portion of the evening! This competition started out as “Best Costumes,” but it has evolved into “The Spirit Bunny Award.” Any team, whether Olympian or Titan, will introduce themselves in any way they see fit. It could be as simple as saying “Hurray for our team!” into the mic, or as elaborate as Nomi Malone Dance Academy, perhaps the most memorable champions in this category. Trophy to the champions, as determined by applause!
*Titan teams are those that have won 16 times or more at ANY of my quizzes over past year. “Olympian” teams who have had fewer wins may play for fun, but will not be eligible for prizes or trophies in this event.

Here are your Titan Teams for the 2012 Clash of the Trivia Titans:
Betty WhiteSnakes On A Plane (2011’s Best Shit-Talkers)
Burnside Couch Couplet (1st Titan Appearance)
Carpool Lane Prostitutes (Returning Titans)
Dirty Drifters (1st Titan Appearance)
Fear! Fear For Your Safety (2011’s Titan Runners-Up)
I’ve Been Through The Desert On A Team With No Name (Returning Titans)
Linda Is A Whore (2011’s Titan Champions)
Mothers Of Retention (2011’s Favorite Foes)
PeePee In The Dark (1st Titan Appearance)
Plus 2 Bonus vs. Goblins (Rookie Sensastions)
Publick Edumikatorze (Returning Titans & Report Card Administrators)
Olympian Open champions: Your Name Here!
If you believe your name is missing from this list, let me know immediately. If you haven’t been keeping track of your victoriess, don’t worry, I have! You can tally up your wins in the Hall o’ Fame . . . again, 16 is the qualifying number.
Prize-wise, in addition to all those engraved trophies for five placings in the trivia games, several teams will walk away with brand new GREEN Triviology T-shirts (I’ll post pictures on Facebook when I get them in my hands), growlers, scads of gift certificates, PBR swag, movie passes, Bridgetown Comedy Festival T-shirts, and other rad random stuff (like the Back To The Future Trilogy on Blu-Ray and a Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy chess set!). The champions of the Titan Invitational will get some of that stuff, too, but here are their grand prizes:
*A free private Triviology quiz hosted by ShanRock (in your home, work, bar, what-have-you)
*A painting of the Triviology logo stating champion status (by local artist Kyley Quinn)
*Five passes to a BarFly Bus Tour
*Five scarves, hand knit by ShanRock (the leprekey is bundled up in one below! I add a stripe each year, so this one’s a seven-striper)
I’ve got donkey prizes too, for the lowest scoring teams. I don’t think I’ll tell you what they are. And don’t get too cocky, you big shots out there – just when you think you’re locked in for a sweet trophy, someone else is always lurking, ready to sneak up behind you and snatch away your glory . . .
I will leave you all with a fun film short entitled “The Hunt” that some friends and I made for the Portland’s 24 Hour Film Race 2011 (I’m not too shy to mention that it won Best Film, Direction, & Writing). Play a game as you watch it – how many trivia jockeys can you spot?
Thanks for playing with me, everybody! I hope to see you all at the big game!
Your trivia jockey,
ShanRock’s Triviology

The Event of the Trivia Season is Nigh!

Monday, February 21st, 2011
Mere hours from now The Event of the Trivia Season shall begin – no doubt the paparazzi are lining up at The Spare Room for the 2011 Clash of the Trivia Titans already! Whether you are a Titan or an Olympian, it may be wise to come early to grab a choice table. Margaret has prepared a fun little mini-quiz of “table trivia” about the trivia jockeys and such to get you in a quizzical mood. Titan teams often come early to scrimmage in the 5:30 Olympian Open (though they will not be officially competing, just warming up), and of course Olympians who do not become the Titan wild card team are more than welcome to stick around and play in the Invitational (also just for fun). EVERYONE will get a prize just for participating, and here’s a short list of prizes that I will hand out today: BarFly Bus Passes, Powell’s gift certificates, ShanRock’s Triviology pint glasses, Pabst toothbrushes, Back To The Future Trilogy on Blu-Ray, Answer This Tshirts, La Merde & East Burn gift certificates, Triviology champion scarves, and lots of trophies!!! You can still vote for Best Shit-Talkers, Best Bartender, Favorite Foes & Underdogs at the event. Here is the Favorite Venue Award, which is wearing a mini-champion scarf:

Here are your Trivia Titans for 2011:

Carpool Lane Prostitutes
Drunken Regrets
Especially In The Mornings
Kathleen Turner Overdrive
Odie & The Dirt Legs
Publick Edumakatorz
Team Evil Jesus
Olympian Open Champion: Your Name Here!
One of my favorite parts of the evening is the Half-Time show, where teams compete for The Spirit Bunny Award! Your presentation may be as simple or as elaborate as you wish, and the team who receives the loudest applause will win this glorious trophy:

I hope to see you there. It’s always a lot of fun for Triviologists from all of my venues to come together in share the quizzery. Come get you one of these!!!

Upcoming special events:

Clash of the Trivia Titans!
Sun, Feb 20th @ 5:00
The Spare Room @ 4830 NE 42nd
Hosted by ShanRock
$5 per person
*Everyone is welcome to play, and receives a prize just for participating! Compete for engraved trophies, and tons of prizes!

Oscar Quiz Night!
Sun, Feb 27th @ 3:30
East Burn @ 1800 E. Burnside
Hosted by ShanRock
*Stick around after the quiz to watch the Academy Awards on the big screen! The Peter O’Toole trophy goes to the team with the greatest Oscar knowledge; The Swan trophy goes to the individual with the most excellent outfit.

Triviology champions for the week of 2/12/11 – 2/19/11:

Breakfast of Champions!
Saturday @ 2 PM
500 SE 8th

Sunday @ 6:00
1800 East Burnside

Monday @ 7:00
714 SW 20th Place

Monday @ 9:00
4111 SE Hawthorne

*no quiz tonight (Valentine’s Day!)

Tuesday @ 7:00

Cruzroom (w/Michele)

2338 NE Alberta

Tuesday @ 7:30
Sewickly’s (w/ShanRock … & cash prizes!)
4901 SE Hawthorne

Tuesday @ 8:00
609 & 1/2 SE Taylor
Wednesday @ 8:00
4606 NE Glisan

Wednesday @ 8:00
4515 SE 41st

Wednesday @ 8:30
3416 N. Lombard
MUST WIN (or not-but really must win!) COUPLET

Wednesday @ 8:30
2524 SE Clinton

Thursday @ 9:00
2025 N. Kilpatrick

Thursday @ 9:00
301 SE Morrision

Breakfast of Champions!
Saturday @ 2 PM
500 SE 8th

Thanks for making the trivia with me, people!

Your trivia jockey,

Shannon Donaldson
ShanRock’s Triviology
(503) 957-7806

“Materialism is a disease of the mind starved for ideas.” -Jacob Needleman