Hire ShanRock to be your Trivia Jockey
At ShanRock’s Triviology, we pride ourselves on being the most acclaimed pub quizzery in town, and also on being a great bargain. Please contact me if you’re interested in having trivia at your venue. In the meantime, please come spy on me, and see what the fuss is all about!
Shannon Donaldson
503/957-7806 (that’s WKRP806!)
1918 NE 77th
Portland, OR 97213
Also, as always, I am available to host a pub quiz for your special event (price varies). I am happy to customize your birthday celebration, office party, fund-raiser, etc. with questions tailor-made for you!
Here’s some of what ShanRock’s Triviology can do for you:
Attract New Customers
ShanRock’s pub quizzery brings in dozens of players at a time, and is usually the reason that the majority of customers are patronizing the bar that night.
Engage Returning Customers
Offer a gift certificate to your bar as a prize. Champions will return to cash it in, and they’ll often bring friends.
Enjoy a Captive and Thirsty Audience
Triviologists hang out for at least a couple of hours, during which time there will be lots of fun people in your bar, drinking and spending money.
Fun For You and Your Staff
Bar staff are encouraged to play along. Winning gift certificates to the bar won’t do them much good, but most people are in it for the glory anyway! Your bar may choose to have a “Wall of Fame” of some sort, with the each week’s champion team posted thereupon; bragging rights are a big selling point for trivia!